
我們是合法成立的行銷平台服務於亞太地區,旗下提供之社群行銷神器 StarAds行銷推廣平台(以下簡稱甲方),網址為【https://starads.net/】,本平台致力於幫助會員(以下簡稱乙方)提高第三方社交與社群媒體(包括但不限于 臉書、instagram、YouTube、抖音等)相關的行銷推廣、口碑傳播、流量、讚數、觀看數等,由於甲方平台係操作第三方社交與社群媒體(以下簡稱第三方平台),故有可能因第三方平台更新或防範等各類因素,導致部分服務延遲或暫無法運作,故會員須知悉以下說明且儲值/購買後即表示完全同意:

  1. 甲方提供之平台皆為全自動操作,若乙方因疏忽導致數量填寫錯誤、網址填寫錯誤等因素,甲方將無法進行核退,但若訂單尚未進入執行狀態,可協助安排退訂單,以讓乙方重新下單。
  2. 甲方所提供之服務多為自動化處理,也獨家與多家國外廠商合作,從付款、入帳至提交訂單,皆為網站後台自動處理,故甲方並無法知悉每一筆訂單執行狀況與執行與否,故乙方倘若偶發訂單未執行等情況,請主動聯繫甲方,若訂單長達一個月未執行,而乙方卻無主動通報甲方,由於責任難以釐清,請恕甲方將不做任何相關補償措施。
  3. 當乙方下單甲方的服務後,訂單在未執行的情況下,甲方服務若因第三方平台更新關係,導致服務無法使用或無法運行,且期限達30天,乙方可與甲方提出取消該訂單之要求。
  4. 乙方至甲方平台提交含有保固方案之訂單後,若訂單確定執行完畢(以系統紀錄為準),而因第三方平台更新或粉絲自主因素導致掉讚、掉粉絲、掉點閱率等因素,甲方會盡全力協助安排補讚、補粉絲、補點閱率等作業流程,但由於每一次第三方平台更新的方式皆不同,若因此導致無法補足,這部分須由乙方自行承擔此風險,甲方不做任何補償措施。
  5. 乙方須了解購買甲方平台之服務,主要係藉提升曝光,包含但不限於點閱數字、按讚數字、留言數、分享數等,但並非保證乙方行銷與經營之成效、銷售率、品質等,故不得以未達預期成效等因素要求退款。
  6. 乙方若同時與多個平台、廠商、網路拍賣等,購買與甲方網站同性質相關之服務,由於難以釐清其責任,故針對此案件,甲方對於未執行、掉讚、掉粉絲、點閱率等因素,將不進行補償與退款。
  7. 甲方具有超過10年經營與行銷社群媒體的實務經驗,從未發生用戶使用過甲方產品後,導致提交訂單之網址遭封鎖或各類負面因素問題,假若乙方宣稱出現前述問題,亦同意甲方不受理任何補償或退款。
  8. 甲方服務所提供的「預估啟動時間」或「預估/平均每日執行數量」皆僅供參考,由於第三方平台無時無刻都有可能更新,導致服務執行延緩,這皆為不可抗力之因素,甲方無法承諾乙方下訂單後的完成時效性,故乙方不得以超過時效為由,要求退單或退款。
  9. 甲方倡導乙方透過平台操作正面內容,故乙方不得透過甲方平台進行負面訊息之操作,如衍生出相關問題,甲方有權與乙方進行求償或進行點數扣除等。
  10. 請勿同時間對相同網址下訂相同類型之服務,乙方若同時下單多個相同網址且同類型服務,有可能會導致執行數量誤判或少執行,甲方會盡量協助針對未啟動運作的訂單做退單,若仍無法順利退訂單,乙方不得要求任何賠償與退款。
  11. 甲方針對部分服務項目所提及之幾日內補讚、補粉、補觀看數等但不限於以上敘述之保固內容,乙方要求甲方補足條件必須如下:「當前數量」不得低於「執行前數量」。
  12. 針對甲方所提供「指定國家」或提出「真人」相關之服務類型的項目,乙方不得以自由意識或自我認定方式,判定其執行的內容、流量、讚數等為「假帳號」或非項目上所寫之國家,而提出退單或退款之要求。
  13. 由於第三方平台無時無刻都有可能更新,都有可能因服務項目成本上漲問題導致單價提高,請務必知悉,故乙方不得以因甲方價格提高提出退單或退款之要求,且充值金額至甲方平台後乙方亦同意不得以任何理由要求退款。
  14. 當發生爭議時,雙方以誠信為原則做為協調與溝通。乙方理解同意甲方擁有最終解釋權。
  15. 當乙方儲值金額至甲方平台並付款成功,則視同完全同意甲方平台之協議;如有回饋金等儲值相關優惠活動僅適用於無開立發票、非屬台灣地區用戶。

    Terms of Service

  1. By placing an order with our panel, you automatically accept all the below-listed terms of service weather you read them or not.
  2. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Service without notice. You are expected to read all terms of service before placing every order to ensure you are up to date with any changes or any future changes.
  3. You will only use the our website in a manner which follows all agreements made with all the social media websites on their individual Terms of Service page.
  4. Our rates are subject to change at any time without notice. The terms stay in effect in the case of rate changes.
  5. We do not guarantee a delivery time for any services. We offer our best estimation for when the order will be delivered. This is only an estimation and we will not refund orders that are processing if you feel they are taking too long.
  6. We are trying hard to deliver exactly what is expected from us by our re-sellers. In this case, we reserve the right to change a service type if we believe it necessary to complete an order.

若不懂系統如何使用,建議您先線上詢問客服人員(或詢問社群行銷神器官方LINE客服: @bck7928q)













2.網址請勿填寫錯誤若不懂系統如何使用,建議您先詢問管理人員或詢問社群行銷神器LINE官方客服 @bck7928q


Terms of Service

By placing an order with our services, you automatically accept all the listed terms of service weather you read them or not.

We reserve the right to change these Terms of Service without notice. You are expected to read all terms of service before placing every order to ensure you are up to date with any changes or any future changes.

You will only use the our website in a manner which follows all agreements made with all the social media websites on their individual Terms of Service page.

Our rates are subject to change at any time without notice. The terms stay in effect in the case of rate changes.

We do not guarantee a delivery time for any services. We offer our best estimation for when the order will be delivered. This is only an estimation and we will not refund orders that are processing if you feel they are taking too long.

We are trying hard to deliver exactly what is expected from us by our re-sellers. In this case, we reserve the right to change a service type if we believe it necessary to complete an order.

Other Popular Website Sellers: StarAds does not guarantee a delivery time for any services. We provide our best estimation for orders during the placeing of orders, however these are estimates. We will not be held responsible for loss of funds, negative reviews or you being banned for late delivery. If you are selling on a website that requires time sensitive results, use all marketing trends at your own risk.

Don't ask us to speed up after order a slow service.

This is an automatic server so after place order we can't edit, change, cancel an order even if you insert wrong link. Make sure to check example link on service description. Order with different link format will not get refill / refund. Wrong link order can mark as completed automatically without delivery and in this case no cancel / refund.

If you delete / change / make private your page or URL after place order or after complete the order then we can't refill, cancel or refund it.

Do Not place several order for the same link / post / profile at the same time. Wait for the first order to Completed / Canceled or Partial, before placing next order for that link / post / profile. In this case, our server can't provide actual order amount and can't cancel / refund.

System will look at start count when you place order and mark as completed after enough quantity. So, don't ask us for cancel or anything with reason "Views / Likes / Followers come from my real user, my fans, other seller etc.

We Only guarantee the followers / likes / views that we deliver. We don't provide a guarantee for the total existing followers / likes / views which you bought from other provider or got organically.
Example: If the order start count is 500, the order amount is 1000, we only guarantee the 1000 followers / views / likes that we provided, not the total 1500 or your previous 500.

In case your order has dropped, or not deliveried for server issue and order marked as completed, please wait until we refill, cancel or partial it before placing a new one. If you place new order for that link then we can't solve the issue.

After placing order or after completed order if likes, views, followers drop below start count then we can't start / refill / cancel or refund that order.

For drip feed order we don't provide any refill guarantee.If any order got partial from server then that order is not eligible for refill. No matter the service have 30 days or 1 years refill guarantee but partial order never get refill. This is our server limitation, understand it.

If any order got partial from server then that order is not eligible for refill. No matter the service have 30 days or 1 years refill guarantee but partial order never get refill. This is our server limitation, understand it.

Account and Refund Policy

StarAds reserve the right to ban any account and no refund or reactivate if an account got ban. Below reasons will get your account ban permanantly from all marketing trends.

After a deposit has been completed, there is no way to reverse it. You must use your balance on orders from StarAds. If you disturb us and ask for refund again and again your balance we can ban you.

Fraudulent activity such Using rough / slang language on message and providing threat will lead to termination of your account.

Providing threat for payment dispute or file a dispute or charge-back against us after a deposit, we reserve the right to terminate all future orders, ban you from our site. We also reserve the right to take away any followers or likes we delivered to your or your clients Instagram / Facebook / Twitter or other social media account.

Privacy Policy

This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information.

Any personal information received will only be used to fill your order. We will not sell or redistribute your personal information to anyone. All personal information is encrypted and saved in secure servers.


StarAds will not be responsible for any damages you or your business may suffer.


StarAds is in no way liable for any account suspension or picture deletion done by Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or YouTube or Other Social Media.